Permalight Photoluminous Evacuation Guidance
System (PEGS)
is a non-radioactive fail-safe emergency exit
path illumination system that does NOT need power or
maintenance. This green and safety solution is
operated by recycle surrounding lights or sunlight
through light storing pigments which can perform up to
25 years without maintenance. Permalight solution is
manufactured in Germany according to standard DIN
67510 which meets the requirement set out in Hong Kong
Fire Services Department Code of Practice.
Why we need Evacuation
Guidance System
a fire heavy smoke forms within seconds and quickly
rises to the ceiling, obscuring the electrical
lighting and signs installed in high location.
Visibility and air to breath remain in floor proximity
to a height no more than one foot above ground.
Photoluminous fail-safe illumination installed in low
location therefore provides effective evacuation
guidance during fire emergencies
How does smoke fill an area?
It is not the fire, but the toxic smoke from the fire that is the main
cause of death in the event of fire.
Why low-located assembly
of the guidance lines is so important?
Not the fire but the toxic smoke is the main cause
of fire deaths during building fires. If smoke
penetrates into the escape route areas, a quick and
clear orientation is essential for survival. In case
of a fire the plume at first accumulates in layers at
the upper wall and ceiling area. Electrical emergency
lights and single escape route signs are normally
installed at viewing height or door height. In case of
smoke they are, due to their position, no longer
clearly recognizable in shortest time and get
smoke emission is shown clearly in this
illustration: 60 seconds after the beginning of
the fire "free" viewing and air for
breathing is only possible in a height of at
most 40 cm
The continuous marking stripes of the Low Location
Guidance System are installed directly on the
floor or to the wall below the smoke limit of
40cm. For this reason a good orientation is
still possible even in case of high smoke
Permalight System made in Germany according to
DIN 67510
Key Benefits of Permalight
3.No need for power
4.No Maintenance cost
5.ECO friendly and reusable
6.LEED credit opportunity
7.25 Years Performance warranty
and Hazardous Marking
HKFSD Code of Practice (COP) section 5.1 Audio/visual
advisory system requires low location directional sign in accordance
to DIN 67510 standard
A system of flashing lights with directional signs, which may be incorporated to the exit signs and
directional signs as required under paragraph 5.10 and supplemented by low level directional signs to
(a) the floors and/or areas to be evacuated by operating the flashing lights with directional signs at
the corresponding floors and/or areas,
(b) the evacuation routes by following the low level directional signs.
High level flashing lights with directional signs shall be positioned between 2 m and 2.5 m above
finished floor level measured to the base of the flashing lights. Low level directional signs shall be
installed with the lower edges not higher than 200 mm from the finished floor level.
Low level directional signs shall be of self luminous types and conform to British Standard 5499: Part
10 or, alternatively, shall be of photoluminous types and conform to DIN 67510 Part 4 or equivalent.
Further Permalight's Product Information, Please contact
our Weltec
Sales Team
Tel: (852) 3102 1788
Fax: (852) 31021218